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SMS Reminders Settings

Are you tired of making telephone calls reminding your clients about dues, payments and notifications on savings transactions? Loan Performer Reminders and SMS Notification is just the feature for you.

Loan Performer allows you to send periodic messages through the SMS functionality to clients reminding them of their loan obligations towards the organization for example when reminding clients of when the loan repayments are due. You will be able to set the frequency of the reminders and write the message to send, should be sent.


1. To be able to use this functionality of SMS reminders, you should have installed the necessary drivers which are found in the loan Performer installation directory i.e. "C:\LPF817\External Files\SMS Banking".

2. The SMS functionality will require internet connectivity in order to send bulk messages via HTTP under the menu System/Configuration/SMS messaging/ Modem Setup. Please contact an SMPP service provider in your country.

3. You need at least one EDGE modem and a SIM card. The modem is used for sending and receiving messages but also for ‘pushing’ the mobile phone application to the client’s phone. This means that as a micro-finance institution you can install ‘LPF Mobile’ on the end-user’s phone without having his/her phone present. Loan Performer has a ‘push’ button that you can click to install it (See the menu Clients/Mobile Banking Clients/Mobile banking clients setup). This works with Java enabled phone only. Other phones will have to send SMS messages by typing in the commands. Anyway the problem is that every time you want to push an application, the server needs to be restarted. That’s why some institutions prefer to use 2 EDGE modems instead of one. Then one is used for normal message transfer, while the other is used for pushing the LPF mobile application to the end-user’s phone.

4. To be able to send the reminder messages to your clients, you should have captured their telephone numbers at registration under the menu Clients/Individual clients/Address and the telephone number subscribed to the mobile banking services should have been specified under the menu Clients/Mobile Banking Clients/Mobile banking clients setup.

5. In Loan Performer, the functionality of SMS messaging under the menus System/Configuration/SMS messaging/ Modem Setup and System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/SMS Reminders Settings is different from that of Mobile Banking under the menus Systems/Configurations/Mobile Banking Services/General and Clients/Mobile Banking Clients/Mobile banking clients setup. SMS messaging is for sending notifications to your clients from time to time and in this case you need an SMPP service provider in your country in order to send bulk messages via HTTP. No need of a telecommunications operator. However, Mobile Banking involves mobile money transactions and this case you need a Mobile Money services provider, an intermediary to connect you to a mobile telecommunications operator e.g. Yo! Uganda.

6. Though we are not a Mobile Money services provider, we can link up to one of them in your country and make mobile money disbursements and repayments possible. We have already done this for M-Cash in Uganda, MTN, Airtel and UTL. We have linked up with Yo! Uganda which operates as an ‘aggregator’. An aggregator is an intermediary operator between the companies that need to receive payments, like National Water, Electricity etc and the mobile money providers. What is possible here in Uganda is possible in any other country as well. You just need to bring us into contact with the local aggregator and we take it from there.

7. The institution should obtain a public IP address for the server on which the Loan Performer database is hosted so that it is accessible outside the office. It is also recommended that the MFI purchases an SSL certificate to protect the web server from phishing attacks to give its members assurance that their data is safe.

8. If the MFI has an account with the "Aggregator" your clients will be able to withdraw money by initiating the process using particular codes.

9. In order carry out Mobile Money transactions, you must have indicated the API address of the Mobile Money services provider under the menu System/Configuration/SMS messaging/Mobile Money Setup. This address will give you access to the telecommunications operator's database. Other software developers can now enter data into Loan Performer database via the API. This makes it possible for others to develop applications that talk to the Loan Performer API and populate the database.

10. In the menu Clients/Mobile banking clients/Send messages, Loan Performer gives you the possibility of sending general messages to all clients of the MFI, subscribed and non subscribed to SMS messaging. For this, ensure that you have selected the option "Non subscription". Examples of general messages include those announcing public holidays, new products and opening and closing hours. The same window enables you to send specific messages to only subscribed clients by ticking the option "Subscription based messages".

11. LPF will also allow you to view a report on all SMS messages under System/SMS Reports and another report on clients subscribed to SMS messaging under the menu Clients/Mobile Banking Clients/Report on SMS clients.

12. While currently the communication is via SMS messaging, we also anticipate USSD in future. These are short codes that you type on your phone to obtain the menu. Unlike SMS messaging, which is store and forward based, USSD establishes a real time session between a mobile handset and an application handling service. So while with SMS messaging, every time you send a message you have to wait for a reply, USSD is practically immediate. Another difference is that while the LPF SMS application depends on Java enabled phones, USSD works on all phones. The national communication commission issues what is called a “short code”, something like *999-99# that they issue to organisations like National Water etc The first 3 digits indicate the phone company and the next two indicate National Water etc. This will then show a menu on your phone where you can chose what you want to do. Another advantage is that whereas with SMS, messages can get lost, with USSD that is not possible.

13. You need at least one EDGE modem with a sim card. If you have engaged a bulk SMS service provider, in this case you will need only one modem for receiving of messages. Otherwise, you will need two modems, one for sending and the other for receiving of messages.

14. There are several different fees you may charge your clients. Don't forget to configure the GL accounts these charges will be booked under the menus Clients/Mobile Banking Clients/Mobile banking clients setup and System/Configuration/SMS messaging/Mobile Money Setup. The fees for SMS messaging are automatically deducted from the savings account of the client. Ensure you have defined the GL account on which these fees will be booked under the menu System/Configuration/Savings/Savings GL Accounts.

How to configure SMS reminders

To configure SMS Reminders, go to System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/SMS Reminders, the following screen appears:


Click on the Save command button to save the settings and on the Close command button to exit the menu.

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